Friday, December 24, 2010

oh dear...

what can the matter be?

i have ANOTHER infection. seems like since being pregnant with ashley, i haven't been able to get rid of any of them. as it IS christmas eve, the doctors office isn't open (of course). and the less expensive place in st. anthony isn't open either. therefore, i had to go into the urgent care office. it took nearly every penny i had on me to pay the bill at the office. then i had to borrow a little money from my mother-in-law to get the meds.

hopefully, though, this will take care of it.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I am so sorry. After I had Asher I just kept getting sick. I had so many infections/illnesses during his first few months. I guess I was just run down or something. I hope you feel better soon!

Melissa :)