Thursday, May 13, 2010

baby, get ready

Had my dr appointment today. The test that tracks your average blood sugars over the last 3 months came back normal. He looked at my log of numbers for the last 2 weeks and had to give me a hug. When he checked me, i was at a 5!  He was a little surprised, but i'd already told them a couple of times that his baby wasn't waiting until 37 weeks like the others had. She was coming sooner than that.

Based on a 5, i'd say in the next 24 to 48 hours.


Marnee said...

YAY!!!! I can almost feel your relief and stress. :)

Unless, of course, you end up having just this one pregnancy that has you sit at a 5 for like, a week with out any change. :)

Southern Spud said...

Can't wait to hear when she comes and how it all goes!!! Wish we were there to celebrate with you!!!