Sunday, January 18, 2009

can openers . . . beware

you know those can openers that don't leave any sharp edges on the cans? they are pretty safe, right? YEAH, RIGHT!!
i about took my finger off last night with mine. i was opening a can of olives for dinner, and my hand slipped off the turning handle. well, my finger slid inside it, and took out a chunk of my finger.
looking at it now, i probably should have gone in and had it looked at, it might have needed stitches. it looks a lot worse now than it did last night. it borders my fingernail and i didn't think there was much they could have done about it, so i just put a bandaid on it, and left it at that. however, it's about the size of pencil eraser and about an 1/8 inch thick. not only that, but it hurts like nothing else.

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