Tuesday, September 23, 2008

potty success

so, i've been trying to potty train elizabeth. so far, it's not been terrible. it does help that any time she goes potty, she gets candy. but any incentive is helpful. i used to give it her if she just sat on the toilet, now i've gone to she has to do something on the toilet to get it. i got home from work tonight and was getting the kids ready for bed and things settled for the night. i sent her in to go potty before we put pajamas on. she pooped on the toilet!!! i was so excited, and so was she.


Brushdragon said...

Good luck with this hon. If you need any help with the blog, many people will be able to help. I Love you. And the Potty Success is Great!

Unknown said...

Go Elisabeth go!

Southern Spud said...


I'm in denial right now. I've been telling myself I'm back into pting H, but in reality, the past few days I've just spent more $ than necessary on even the store brand pull-ups (which we term "paper underwear" for H's benefit) and am just encouraging her to go more frequently on the potty, but I am otherwise still letting her use her "paper underwear" just like a diaper. I tend to start back into "training" her whenever I'm stressed out. WHY IS THIS? We have a busy week where we have only one morning at home, and I declare when H has simply requested watching a potty movie that, "Okay, and tomorrow morning we're going to practice going potty on the toilet!"


Candice said...

why does dad comment on yours and not on mine?