Tuesday, December 1, 2015


it's been a stressful night.
I was getting cool, which anymore, is nothing new. I checked the temp of the house, noticed it was cool, and went to bed. Thought to myself that i'd better check and make sure one of the kds hadn't turned the heat off. Thankfully they hadn't, but the thermostat was reading cool. I went back to bed, and decided to keep an ear open for the furnace.

20 minutes later, it still hadn't turned on. Now i'm starting to have conversations in my head with the landlord.
A. "Steven, it's nadia." "Nadia, why are you calling me at 2 in the morning?" "Well, steven, the furnace isn't turning on, and i need you to pay for a couple of hotel rooms until you can get it fixed." "Nadia, i just had to replace your fridge, i can't afford to replace the furnace too." "Too bad. While you and your family are nice and warm in your beds, my kids are huddled in blankets in the car to try and stay warm. Get your butt out of bed and get it fixed."
B. "Friend a, do you enough floor space for us for a night until i feel it's ok to call and tell the landlord the furnace is broke?" "Steven, the furnace won't work, we are staying with a friend until you get it fixed. I'm calling idaho housing in the morning and letting them know. You have 3 days to repair or replace, or we have to move." "Friend b, i can't go grocery shopping with you, i have to find a new place to move to."
C. "Idaho housing, my furnace won't turn on, my house is a frigid 50 degrees, i'm tired of the landlord complaining about everything he's had to replace, i don't want to call and tell him. What should i do?"
D. "Daddy, my heat isn't working, and i'm afraid to call landlird cause he'll just complain again. Can you help us get a couple hotel rooms for the night?" Dadday-"steven, i expect this to be fixed, and to be repaid for doing your job." Steven-"i just had to replace the fridge last week! I had to replace the carpet in may! I had to replace the linoleum last spring! I had to replace the roof next door 2 years ago!" Daddy-"none of those are relevant. It's your responsibility to take care of those things, regardless. Fix it, or i'll take you to court on behalf of my daughter."
E. "Idaho housing, i'm done with this landlord. When something needs to be fixed, he complains about what he's already had to fix. His other solution, 'you guys take care of it, and i'll pay you back.' I waited  almost a month for him to fix/repair the dishwasher. I finally got fed up and did it myself with my husbands inheritance. Are any if these enough of a reason to get us out of our lease?"
(Have i mentioned that the dishwasher isn't working again?)
(I shouldn't have to be afraid to tell my landlord that something isn't working.)

I sent shaun a message on skype…can't sleep, furnace still hasn't turned on…freaking out about having to tell landlord.
Shaun comes in…still no heat?! It's 66! Maybe we just need to reset it, remember how?
Shaun resets, another 15 minutes later, furnace turns on.

Breathe a sigh of relief!

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