Tuesday, December 15, 2015


while i was browsing through one of the few facebook groups i belong to, i came across a post from a mom looking for advice. she has an 8-year-old girl, whose older siblings have killed the magic of santa for her. (my heart aches for that). the mother still has a small child, and was wondering if there was anything she could do that might bring that magic back.

it reminded me of a conversation i had to have with elizabeth about a month ago.
i can no longer remember how it started, but it ended with her in tears.

there is no santa, mom and dad do it all.
there is no easter bunny, that is also mom and dad.
the tooth fairy is also made up.

last year, we had to tell her that mom and dad help santa get things, cause he's so busy, and anything we can do to help makes it that much easier for him.
this year, i had to tell shannon that same story.

it always makes me sad when they reach the age that the magic starts to crack. and even more when the magic dies.

however, my kids have been really good about keeping the magic alive for the rest.

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