Wednesday, December 2, 2015


michael had to have a fat patch repair done on an ear drum. his post-op appointment was the day before thanksgiving. in the chaos of the week, we didn't make the appointment. so, i had to reschedule for today. the repair is failing.
about a week after the surgery, he had a lot of drainage from that ear. i called in, and started using the drops for infection. 
the doc thinks what happened, is that infection pushed the patch away and stopped it from being sealed. now it's a watch and see game again. if it fails completely, and doesn't start to close at all, we'll have to do different repair. 

along the same note, i've been hearing strange things when people talk. i KNOW my brain interprets is NOT what they have said. 
so, when i was getting groceries at sams yesterday, i had a quick hearing test done. 
the results came back within the normal range, so i'm good for now!

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