elizabeth tonight was asking me what was for dinner. as usual, she asked about 5 times. usually, she gets the same answer. tonight, i decided to mix it up a bit.
i knew what was for dinner, but i wanted to gross her out. i suggested eel. snails (escargot). worms. brains. she was disgusted with every idea i came up with.
i finally told her that dinner was going to be pig and chicken brains. i didn't tell the kids what it was really called until after we were sitting down and eating it. however, even before they knew what it really was, they didn't complain. i suppose if they were hungry enough, they might eat anything!
the brains were spaghetti noodles. the chicken was eggs. and the pig was bacon. basically it's an egg and bacon pasta. it's a meal that everyone loves. my parents brought the recipe home from their missions in italy.
1 comment:
can't remember what it's called right now, but we got into eating it too for a while . . . probably when S was in grad school.
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