Saturday, April 14, 2012


our neighbors across the street are redoing their roof. currently it has old wood shingles. they are taking them off, and putting tar ones on.
while i was talking with her earlier this week, i asked her what they were planning on doing with them. she mentioned that they had been going to keep them for firewood, but they have about 3-4 nails in each piece, so they were just going to take them to the dump.
i asked her if we could have them for the furnace. my mother-in-laws house has a wood furnace heat source. she said that we could have as many as we wanted.

yesterday, i went over and started pulling the wood out of the trailer they had them in. it took about 3.5 hours to get all the shingles out of the trailer and down into the furnace room. we got one row about 3/4 of the way to the ceiling.

on the down side, they burn REALLY quickly! i stuffed the furnace as full as i could get it, and it was gone within 10 minutes. and when they are done burning, they are done. there isn't even any coals or ashes to start another set with. however, a fast burn means it heats up quite quickly.

but, i can't really complain. they were free. and it helped them out. it's less they have to haul and pay to throw in the dump.

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