Wednesday, April 7, 2010

tasks started

i mentioned to shaun the other day that we needed to get some stuff out of storage for this baby. (since we only have about 7-8 weeks until she comes. if she holds true to the standard.) namely the cradle. i also wanted the bouncer and the swing.

yesterday, shaun wanted to go get said stuff from storage. we didn't make it. so we went today. we got the cradle, the swing, the bouncer, and the tote with the 18 month clothes in. (it has REALLY bothered me to have to buy clothes for shannon cause i have some. i just couldn't get to them without some help.)
next project is to go thru those 18 month clothes, and get them washed and in drawers. then i need to get the other stuff cleaned up and ready for baby to use.

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