so, i went to use my laptop the other day, and discovered that the battery was nearly dead. i was a little confused, as it had been plugged in all night. then to my dismay, i discover that it won't charge. checked the battery, it's not the problem. checked the power supply, it's not the problem. then shaun looked at it for a minute, and discovered that when the power supply was plugged into the laptop, the light on the power supply turned off.
we talked to some friends and the guys at a local repair shop, and they all concur that it's the jack in the laptop. looks like to fix the jack is going to be around $200, and they can't promise that it will work. the other options are getting my files off the laptop and just going without, or getting a new one. the local repair shop also sells computers, and they informed me that they could buy the laptop off me for parts, and i could then use that to get a new one from them. they have new and refurbished ones.
i need to take it in and see what they could give me for it. if they can give me $300, and a refurbished unit is $300, we're not out anything. even if they can't give me enough to fully cover a replacement, a partial payment from the "trade-in" is worth it. we would just have to figure out how to get the rest of the money.
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