Tuesday, June 9, 2015


last sunday, i finally broke down and took shannon into the doctor (as it was sunday, the only thing open was community care, but that's ok.). she'd been running a pretty high fever for about 5 days (like 102-103).
the previous night, elizabeth started feeling sick, and running a fever as well.

i was thinking strep, cause they didn't have any other complaints, other than a semi-sore throat.

the tests came back negative, but they had all the clinical signs, so we treated them as though it was strep. 24 hours later, shannon was great, 12 hours after that, elizabeth was great.

last night, ashley came down with a high fever (103). everything but the er was closed, and i didn't want to go there, so i called in first thing this morning. physical exam didn't show anything (surprise, surprise), but as we'd had strep already, we are going to treat it like it is strep.

i'm ready for everyone to be healthy!!!

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