Monday, November 28, 2011


we had a lazy thanksgiving this year. we did ours on saturday instead of thursday.
i made the jello, a cheesecake, and some fudge on friday. on saturday, i made the rolls, the potatoes and the punmpkin roll (cause you can't have thanksgiving without pumkin roll!)
by the time we were ready to eat, i was in trouble for doing too much. i thought i had spread things out quite nicely. if i hadn't done that second batch of rolls, i might have been okay.
but, who did the rest of the food?! shauns mom took care of the turkey, and nana and carli did the stuffing and a pumpkin pie.
not too bad for a quiet thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Oh, oh, oh! I NEED your pumpkin roll recipe! I still remember when you made them that year you visited us. SO yummy! I'd love it if you posted it!

Melissa :)

PS- Sorry about the contractions. I hope that little guy stays put for a little while longer!