Tuesday, October 18, 2011

picture story

i guess i should mention the amazing circumstances that found us with these pictures to begin with.

the school district was doing a fundraiser. family portraits for $5. oh, we so wanted to be able to get some! but, alas, out funds were negligible. a friend from church, who has become another grandmother to the kids, was in charge of it. she asked us if we wanted to do it. i explained to her that although we would love to do it, we were just not in any position to do so. that evening, she called to inform me that she was signing us up for them anyhow, and we needed to pick a time and day.

so, we planned outfits, and went in for our allotted time with the photographer. the kids thought it was a lot of fun.

two weeks later, we went to pick up our picture, only to discover that we had a lot more than that for us. when the lady laid them out on the table in front of us to look at, my heart skipped a beat. there was at least $150 worth of pictures laying there! we didn't have that kind of money!
she then informed us that things had worked out very well to our benefit. our friend who was in charge, gets a free package just for helping out with the fundraiser. she decided that she didn't want it this year, and had given it to us! then the lady showing us the pictures informed us that they also send out the cd that has all the images on it, and a copyright release so that we can make as many copies as we need to!!!!!

we came home very surprised, and very humbled. and with some amazingly beauriful pictures!

1 comment:

Southern Spud said...

How fantastic! That lady is awesome!!!

I love the pictures, Nod. White was the perfect color for you all to wear.

Someday we'll get a family picture. S's parents offered to pay for one, but we just haven't made the time for it, which is pretty pathetic. (Okay, confession: being a photography nut, I'm so uber-picky about photos that I was afraid I'd go crazy just going to JcPenny's or Target, and I wouldn't dare have them pay for what I'd love to have done! I really should just get over my perfectionism in this area!!!) Now being pregnant, I figure we'll just wait until baby comes. Maybe then we could get nice newborn ones done alongside. My photoshoots with Lil'S weren't nearly as successful as I would have liked, considering I don't have a fancy shmancy camera nor good lighting, backdrops, etc., so I guess it would take the stress off me to just have someone else do them. (ha, unless I was being over picky! LOL! ;) )

I guess part of it is that I'd always planned on doing my kids' pictures myself, so it's kind of a pride thing too. Or really a pride thing. Thus the uber-pickiness!