Saturday, February 20, 2010

cleaning = exhaustion

so, i just spent the last 2 hours deep cleaning the kids bedrooms. i put everything in it's place, got rid of toys they no longer play with. i ended up with a big box of stuffed animals to send to the DI, and a very full 13 gallon garbage bag to put in the trash. their clothes are all put away, they all have clean sheets, and i feel like i've accomplished something huge. and i am now ready for bed. sadly, it's only 5:30 pm.

on a not quite so nice note, i did disaster management yesterday afternoon. taylor, once again, cut elizabeths hair. when i get the pics uploaded, i will post them. i took her in to get it fixed, it was bad. when i got back, shaun was trying to put the laptop back together. shannon got a hold of it and pulled off half the keys. still can't find the 'g' key. then when i went to start dinner, i discovered that the kitchen counter was covered in water. so i had to get that wiped up before i could even think about starting dinner. as i was putting the last load of laundry in the dryer, i kept repeating this mantra to myself: i love my kids, i love my kids. i think it worked!

1 comment:

Southern Spud said...

We're all on a cleaning spree, it sounds like: you, me, and Rach. Congrats on tackling the kids room!

Isn't it amazing how many messes we can clean up in a day??