Thursday, November 19, 2015


the kids informed us tonight, that the fridge was not working. We tried to look at it, but neither of us know anything about fridges. We tried calling the landlord, but he didn't answer. We than texted him, and were told he was busy and to leave him alone. (Ok, fine, but at least respond to the concern.)

I started looking for coolers to borrow so i wouldn't lose all my food in the fridge. The big freezer has enough room that we could fit everything in it just fine. One of my visiting teachers manages some apartments. She told me she currently has an empty apartment and we were more than welcome to utilize its fridge until we could get ahold of the landlord for a replacement. 

While we were moving the freezer contents, the fridge turned back on. We postulate that we may have extended it's life by removing a bunch of dust build-up. I'm just hoping it continues to work. I have anywhere from $200-$400 worth of food in the fridge/freezer. 

A little later the landlord called to talk. Problem is, he halfway burned his bridge. I'm so fed up with his attitude or lack thereof, depending on the situation, that i'm SO ready to move and not have to deal with him anymore. 

I suppose only time will tell what will happen.

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