Sunday, April 19, 2015


i have all these plans in my head, and i keep slipping.

dinner was going to be crockpot parmesan chicken. i was so excited, it sounded so good!! i wasn't able to roll out of bed until almost noon (i hate this fatigue!). and then i forgot about it. so, while elizabeth and i were hanging out in the library during church (because that's my calling), we decided on oh boy casserole (which also sounded delicious!).

i was going to start cleaning out the front flower beds (i've been trying to for 3 years), and by the time i'm ready, i feel like crap (i suppose i shouldn't feel too terrible that my health stops a lot of things, right?).

shaun's been trying to 2 weeks, since we got the new carpet downstairs, to get things put back together, and i've not been able to help a whole lot. headaches, school, wanting to puke...

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