Monday, October 27, 2014


just after we received the inheritance money, we got a letter from the college. they were having their annual used piano sale!

we've wanted one for years. me so i could play more, and shaun because he wanted me to be able to play more.

we made an appointment to go look at them.

they had 3 in our price range. one was an antique upright player piano. and the other 2 were what are called spinets. i really wanted the antique player, but it needed some work. the player part didn't work, it needed a tuning (they all did), and i learned later that there were several keys that didn't work.

the one we got though, needs the damper pedal replaced, and tuned. other than that, it worked fine. we did discover that one of the keys doesn't always work.

today, the kids started lessons!!

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