Monday, December 9, 2013

slow and steady

i have finally reached the point where things have started to slow down. at least it feels like it. it's entirely possible that i've just gotten accustomed to the new normal for us.

mondays are insane. at least they feel like it. we have an appointment at 10, and again at 1. between the two, there is just enough time to make sure kids get fed, and check on a few things.

today, we added another appointment at 9, and then a desperate need to get milk and eggs. i've been running since 7:30 this morning, and won't be able to stop until after 10 tonight.

school is very short on mondays because of all the appointments.

i think the thing i've learned the most over the last few weeks is to just take things a little slower. if i keep trying to run all the time, i'm going to fall short. and i hate falling short. i've stopped trying to be supermom, and i'm just focusing on being the best mom i can.

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