our trip to missouri started satuday afternoon around 3. we could have started earlier, but we needed some clean church clothes.
kronk ran like the champ he is. without fail.
around 3:45p, we ran into some construction. it took us 15 minutes to travel 2 miles...!
we got to my sisters in roy around 6:30p. we stayed at my grandparents for the night, where we got wendy.
monday morning, we were on the road by 9. sadly, we needed a few last minute things, so it took us longer to leave the ogden area than planned.
around 1:30p, we stopped at little america for ice cream cones and potty break.
by 4:45 we were in rawlins, wy for a gas break.
about 8p, we stopped in ft collins for gas and dinner.
i finally called it a night about 12:30a at a rest stop near arriba CO. everyone was already asleep, so i just laid back and tried to get what rest i could.
tuesday we were on the road by 8. around 9, i started having problems staying awake. i popped open and mtn dew and was fine the rest of the way.
around 12 we stopped for lunch and gas; only to discover that my money was missing.
mom and dad wired money to me in Salina, KS.
we got to kc by about 7:20 pm. it was a long trip, but we were so glad to be done!